Autumn 1 - Place Value within 10
- sorting objects
- counting objects
- counting objects from a group of 10
- represent objects
represent objects to 10
- count forwards
- count backwards
- count one more and one less
- compare and order numbers
- use a number line
Autumn 2 - addition and subtraction
- Part whole models
- Using addition symbols
- Fact families
- Comparing number bonds (4 + 1 = 3 + 2)
- Adding together
- Finding a part (Missing number)
- Subtraction (How many are left?)
- Subtraction (counting back)
- Finding the difference
- Compare addition and subtraction number sentences
Spring 1 & 2
Recognise and name 3D shapes
Sort 3D Shapes
Recognise and name 2D shapes
Sort 2D shapes
Patterns in 2D and 3D shapes
Add by counting on
Find and make number bonds
Add by making 10
Subtraction (not crossing 10)
Subtraction (crossing 10)
Related number facts
Compare number sentences
Numbers to 50
Tens and ones
Representing numbers to 50
One more one less
Compare objects to 50
Compare numbers to 50
Count in 2s
Count in 5s
Summer 1
Compare length and height
Measure length
Measure mass
Compare mass
Explore volume and capacity
Measure and compare capacity
Count in 2s 5s and 10s
Make equal groups
Add equal groups
Make arrays
Make doubles
Make equal groups - grouping and sharing
Find a half
Find a quarter
Summer 2
Counting forwards and backwards within 100
Partitioning numbers Comparing numbers
Comparing numbers
Ordering numbers
One more, one less
Recognising coins
Recognising notes
Counting in coins
Before and after Dates
Time to the hour
Time to the half hour
Writing time
Comparing time
In year 1 we will be using lots of concrete objects to understand and represent numbers such as; base 10, numecon, ten frames, double sided counters and natural materials. Egg boxes are also a great resource that you could use at home as a ten frame to count or represent numbers.
The children are still able to access Numbots at home and we have seen a huge improvement in children working through the levels regularly. NumBots is an online game that playing little and often will significantly improve your child’s recall and understanding of number bonds and addition and subtraction facts. These are critical foundations in maths and we are already excited by the impact NumBots is having with the children already using it. The children will use Numbots each day within provision and are able to access the programme at home.