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School Council

School Council


Welcome to our School Council, we have:


Rosie & Elijah

Isabelle & Alfie

Noah & Scarlett

Jia Shuo & Willow

Bobby & Bella


House reward

This year the children have created an end of half term reward for the winning house. Each child collects dojo points and these are added up each Friday and a winning house is announced.

The treats so far have been hot chocolate and biscuits with a TA and extra playtime.


Lend A Hand For Lent

Our School Council wanted to help the local community, so they decided to create food parcels for our families.

Firstly, we created a shopping list, then three children went shopping to Morrisons to pick the items and then we packed them ready to go to our families over Easter.

Aldi Opening/Olympic Athlete

Some of the children from the school council were lucky enough to open a new Aldi store with Olympic Athlete Josie Knight.

Josie is an Olympic Medallist and World Champion who races Team Pursuit on the Velodrome. Josie's results include , 3x European Champion, Olympic Silver Medallist, 2023 World Champion, 2x National Champion and Commonwealth games medallist.

The children listened to a presentation from Josie about her career as an athlete an enjoyed seeing her team GB Olympic silver medal from Tokyo 2020.
