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School Council

School Council 2024 - 2025


Welcome to our School Council, we have:

Amiyah & Thomas

Alfie & Olivia

Logan & Teddy

Caden & Mel

Karim & Lavender


Meeting the Mayor!

On Wednesday 30th October, the School Council were lucky enough to be invited to meet Preston's Mayor. We visited the Mayor's parlour and chambers, tried on his chain, carried the mace and got the opportunity to ask questions.
The children behaved beautifully and they were really curious and asked lots of great questions!


Swansea Terrace Christmas crafts

On Wednesday 13th November, the School Council went to Swansea Terrace nursing home to take part in arts and crafts with the residents. The children created paper chains and snowflakes and gave them to the residents to decorate the home for Christmas.



School Council 2023 - 2024

- Set up a house reward system

- We took part in Lend A Hand For Lent - where we created 70 food parcels for our families for over the Easter break

- Raised £200 in a bake sale for Children In Need.

- Opened a new Aldi store in the local area with a help from an Olympic Athlete Josie Knight. She is an Olympic Medallist and World Champion who races Team Pursuit on the Velodrome. Josie's results include , 3x European Champion, Olympic Silver Medallist, 2023 World Champion, 2x National Champion and Commonwealth games medallist.



