Here at Sacred Heart Primary School we are proud have the ‘Healthy School’ status. Schools with Healthy School status have shown to achieve better results for all Key Stage 1 assessments and Key Stage 2 science compared with other schools. Also, pupils in Healthy Schools report a range of positive behaviours such as diminished fear of bullying and a reduced likelihood of using illegal drugs.
Why is being a ‘Healthy School’ it important?
• to support children and young people in developing healthy behaviours;
• to help to raise pupil achievement;
• to help to reduce health inequalities; and
• to help promote social inclusion.
The criteria for national Healthy School status:
1: Personal, social and health education, including sex and relationship education and drug education (including alcohol, tobacco and volatile substance abuse)
PSHE provides pupils with the knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes to make informed decisions about their lives.
2: Healthy eating
Pupils have the confidence, skills and understanding to make healthy food choices. Healthy and nutritious food and drink is available across the school day.
3: Physical activity
Pupils are provided with a range of opportunities to be physically active.
4: Emotional health and wellbeing
Promoting positive emotional, health and well-being to help pupils understand and express their feelings, building their confidence and emotional resilience and therefore their capacity to learn.
Medicines in School
The LEA Health and Safety Executive recommend that the teachers should not administer medicine or drugs of any kind to children in school. If for any reason medicines have to be administered during the school day, parents must see the Headteacher to arrange a time when they can come to school to give the medication to their own child. On no account should children be given medicine or tablets to take themselves. In the case of asthma, or other severe allergies, we ask that parents give full details on the Child Information Form of method, amount and frequency of medication to be taken. Please inform the school if your child has been diagnosed as suffering from asthma.
Incubation and exclusion periods for common communicable diseases.
Disease Incubation Minimum period of Exclusion
Chicken pox 11-21 days 5 days from onset of rash
Rubella/German Measles 14-21 days` 5 days from onset of rash
Scabies Until adequate treatment started
Measles 1-15 days 5 days from onset of rash
Mumps 12-26 days 5 days from onset of swelling
Whooping Cough 7-10 days 5 days from commencing antibiotics
Impetigo Until lesions are crusted or healed
The school nurse regularly visits the children and contacts parents if further attention is necessary. At regular intervals specially trained staff test hearing and sight. Medicals are also carried out in school and parents are always given adequate notice to attend with their child if they wish.