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SEND Information

At Sacred Heart we genuinely believe that every child matters and each and every child is put first. This is also our vision for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). We aim to ensure that all children achieve well in their Early Years and throughout the whole school.


The school has a named Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO), Miss Maher, who has undertook the new Government SENCO qualification the named Governor responsible for SEN is Mrs Rowley Smith . Miss Maher can be contacted through the school office or after school on the playground. 


On September 1st 2014, a revised Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Code of Practice was introduced. The reforms aim to implement a new approach which seeks to join up help across education, health and care, from birth to 25.

The revised Code of Practice introduces reforms which will affect how children with SEND are provided for at Sacred Heart. Please click here for a copy of the SEND Code of Practice: 0 – 25.


For more information on the reforms and how these may affect your child, please visit the following website


Under Section 65 (3) (a) of the Special Educational Needs (Information) Regulations, all schools are required to publish an SEN Information Report on their school websites.

This report must contain SEN information as is set out in the Schedule, as well as utilising the Local Authority (LA) Local Offer. Consequently, the report should meet the needs of SEN pupils as determined by school policy and the provision that the school is able to determine.





Useful web links to Lancashire Local Offer

Help Lancashire SEND Partnership is looking at the Local Offer website and we need your help to improve it. Click the link below and complete the questionnaire.




