Reading in Year 1 is still a vital part of the day. Children will each be given a reading book and a reading record. We encourage children to read for at least 10 minutes a day, although this doesn’t always have to be their given reading book. Children’s books will be changed regularly and they will be given opportunities to read books in our class library regularly. If your child has read 3 times or more in the week the. on Friday they get extra play time.
This half term we will be using How to train a train as the stimulus for our writing. Within this unit our outcomes will be:
CBBC transcript / TV Programme.
Story book
A guide to look after pets
Guide book
Write instructions
Persuasive flip flap book
Reading outcomes -
listen to respond appropriately to adults and peers
Activate prior knowledge
Orally plan and rehearse
make predictions on what is being read so far
Apply phonic knowledge and skills as the route to decode words.
Read more challenging texts.
Introduce and discuss key vocab
introduce and discuss key vocabulary , linking meanings of words to those already known.
Listen to a range of texts beyond level including non-fiction
recall specific information in non-fiction text
read aloud their writing audibly to adult and peers
listen to and discuss a range of texts at a level beyond which they can read independently.
Develop and demonstrate their understanding of characters and events through roll play and drama drawing on language from the text.
Introduce key vocabulary linking meaning of know words to those already known.
Discuss the title and how it relates to the story.
Give opinions and support with reasons.
Demonstrate understanding of a text by answering questions who, what, when, why how.
Sequence ideas and events in a narrative.
Introduce and discuss key vocabulary linking to meaning of new words to those already known.
To predict what might happen next.
Writing outcomes -
Proof to check errors
Orally compose sentences before writing
Re – read sentences after writing.
Compose and sequence their own sentences to write short non-fiction text
Orally compose sentences before writing
Re-read sentences to check it makes sense.
compose and sequence their own sentences to write a short narrative
To write the next event in the story including new vocabulary.
compose and sequence their own sentences to write short narratives