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Good Behaviour

We try to create a caring family atmosphere, where children have a sense of belonging. In this environment children develop a sense of security, community and purpose. Every attempt is made to make children aware of their responsibilities to themselves and others and to build relationships of mutual trust and respect between all members of the school community. Good behaviour is encouraged through a system of positive rewards including verbal praise, house points and stickers. Bullying is actively discouraged at all times and any such offences are dealt with immediately.


The rules and reasons are pointed out to children whenever the need arises.


In cases where a child is repeatedly badly behaved, the parents will be involved at an early stage to discuss the situation with the Headteacher. A Code of Conduct has been developed. The key expectations are:
- We are ready to learn
- We try our best
- We use appropriate language
- We show respect for people and our environment
- We keep ourselves and others safe


Children are expected to keep to these, and we also expect parental support in helping the children behave appropriately. The school reserves the right to temporarily exclude a seriously disruptive child, and in extreme circumstances the governors could exercise the right to permanently exclude.
