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Year One (Mrs Jenkins)

Hello and welcome to Year One!


We have had a wonderful half term settling into year one! We have all settled into year one beautifully and been very busy with our learning. 


Year one is run through continuous provision. This means, that when children are not doing their group work with an adult, that they can choose where they want to learn independently. We have lots of different areas in our classroom that children can choose from, including a writing area, maths area, creative area with painting station, construction, small world and discovery station. The resources in the areas are adapted regularly to enable children to meet the objectives we are learning. Keep an eye on Seesaw to see regular updates from your children of their learning. 


Children have a whole class English, maths and foundation subject session daily and then they will work on developing their understanding of their new learning in group work with an adult. They also have a whole class phonics session and collective worship daily. 

Please make sure you have access to your child's Class Dojo. This is the main tool we use to communicate with you and send updates about our classroom and learning. 

Children use Seesaw daily to document their learning that they do in group work and in continuous provision. It is also used by teachers to evidence the learning taking place in our classroom. Letters have been sent home to access your child's Seesaw account but please ask for help if you are struggling to access it.  

Children's reading books are changed on a Monday and they are given two books each week. If you would like more books then please just ask. Please read each book twice with your child - this helps them to become quicker with their reading and more fluent with reading words faster. 


Please can children bring in their books and reading records into school everyday so that we can read with them as much as possible.


Reading with your child every night is the most important thing you can do to help them with their education. Just five minutes a night will make such a big difference! We don't send home any other work in year one, but just ask you to read with your child as often as possible as it has such a big impact on their reading, writing, spelling and vocabulary. 


Children also have a reading for pleasure book (these have grey stickers on with Y1 written on them). These are books that children have chosen themselves and can either be read by themselves to you, or read by an adult to them. Whichever they choose to build a love of reading!


Don't forget about your child's Bee Bookmark as well! Every time they read a book they can colour a bee in and exchange it for a free book at Busy Bee's Bookmark when it is completed.


Happy reading everyone!

-Children have a free piece of fruit daily. They can choose to eat this whenever they are hungry throughout the day.

-Toast is available at morning playtime. This is £1 a week and can be purchased via Parent Pay.

-Milk is available to purchase for the term. Ask the office for more details if you would like your child to have milk next half term. 

-You can bring in a healthy snack for your child to eat throughout the day if you wish. 

Our PE day is Mondays. Please can children come to school wearing their PE kit every Monday. This should be a red t-shirt or sweatshirt and dark coloured shorts or joggers. Please can earrings not be worn on PE days.
