At Sacred Heart Primary School, We serve our diverse community with open and honest hearts.
Through our thoughts, words and actions, we share God’s love with all.
A place where everyone is loved and valued, we strive to always be the best that we can be.
Aims of our school
1. To be a happy and Christian school which endeavours:
To have Christ as the central point of Sacred Heart School community and all that we do.
To establish close links between home, school and parish to provide the best for all the children.
To treat every individual child as a valued member of God’s family, so that respect for each other is maintained by building on the Christian principles of justice, peace and forgiveness.
To grasp opportunities and celebrate the awe and wonder of life.
To provide quality collective worship and meaningful celebrations of liturgies.
To develop the talents of all pupils and prepare them for the responsibilities and challenges of life.
2. Provide an education which enables all children to reach their full potential by enjoying a broad balanced and inclusive curriculum:
By planning and delivering the curriculum and extra curricular activities to ensure provision of a rich variety of learning opportunities.
By providing work with challenge and differentiation to meet the needs of all individual pupils.
By using assessment, marking and evaluation to inform and enrich future teaching and learning and to track individual pupil progress.
By providing opportunities for all staff to develop professionally.
By having high expectations of achievement and behaviour.
3. We aim to nurture a sense of belonging, to welcome and work in partnership with families and the parish and the wider community:
By developing our responsibilities as citizens in the local, national and global community.
By giving children opportunities to develop understanding and tolerance of other faiths and cultures including their own.
By developing positive links between home, school and parish community.
By supporting parents in their role as first educators.
By informing and consulting with all stakeholders.
Sacred Heart School provides a caring and happy Christian environment where everyone can work together to fulfill our aims.