Within the first few weeks in school, pupils are assessed with a simple one to one baseline procedure. In addition a Foundation Stage profile is compiled during the course of the year as pupils progress through early learning goals. The former gives an indication of where the child is starting from in mathematics, reading and social skills, and as the child progresses through school further assessments at the end of the Reception year, Year 1 Year 2, Year 4 and Year 6 give an ongoing measure of the child’s progress. Also required by the DCSF are the National Curriculum Tests at the end of Key Stage 1 and 2. These are important assessments for the child and the school, and in Years 2 and 6 we ask that parents avoid booking holidays during May when tests and teacher assessments are administered. The results of these statutory assessments in the form of Teacher Assessment for Year 2 and Teacher Assessment and test results for Year 6 are reported to parents. These are on an individual basis and form part of the written report given towards the end of the summer term. Collective Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 assessment results appear at the back of the brochure. Children in Years 3 to 5 are also tested in relation to the National Curriculum, in Reading, Writing and Mathematics during the course of the summer term. Teachers assess all children informally and continuously during their time at school, using information gathered to plan for future learning.