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Year Three (Miss Fenerty)

Welcome to Year 3!


I hope you have all had a fantastic summer. I am Miss Fenerty and I will be teaching your child until the end of the Autumn term. We have lots of exciting things to learn in Year 3, and I am looking forward to meeting you all! smiley


The staff in Year 3 will be Miss Fenerty as class teacher Monday - Thursday, and our full-time class TA is Mrs Nash.

Mrs Eddleston will be covering the class on a Thursday morning for my PPA time (Planning, preparing and assessment). Mrs Sergeant and Mrs Bragg will teach the class on Fridays.


Weekly reminders:

  • Spelling overviews for each upcoming week will be communicated through ClassDojo on Fridays. Please ensure you practice these spellings at home. Please see me if you need help to access this platform - you will also have access to seeing your child's Dojo points.
  • Children are expected to read regularly at home. Children will have their reading books changed on Mondays in school and their reading monitored. 
  • PE this term will be on Monday afternoon. The children will need to come to school on Monday in their PE kits.
  • The Year 3 children will continue to leave school in the main playground as they have done in previous years. 


If you would like to speak to me about anything, please feel free to speak to me after school where we can arrange a suitable time to meet. All urgent messages please send through to the school office.


Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Fenerty smiley
