Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School is one of the 10 schools that have joined the Mater Ecclesiae Catholic Multi Academy Trust. While we remain a unique and individual school, in the coming years, we will be part of a larger Catholic family of schools working together. The Bishop’s vision for education is that all Catholic schools in the Lancaster Diocese will be part of Catholic Multi Academy Trusts by 2026.
Mater Ecclesiae Trust Prayer
Almighty Father, you have called us together as one family in Christ.
Make our family an instrument of your peace, guided by your wisdom and strengthened by your grace so that we, inspired by the Gospel message, work for the good of our school communities.
We ask Mary the Mother of the Church to guide us so that we always carry the light of Christ in our hearts, in our minds and in our actions. Teach us to be generous in our outlook, courageous in the face of difficulty, and wise in our decisions.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
For more information visit Mater Ecclesiae Catholic Trust website