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In accordance with our mission statement we will encourage good attendance for all pupils, by offering an environment in which all pupils feel valued and part of the school community.


We will

 Promote a culture across the school which identifies the importance of regular and punctual attendance.

 Make attendance and punctuality a priority for all those associated with the school; including pupils, parents, teachers and governors.

 Further develop positive and consistent communication between home and school.

 Set targets to improve individual, vulnerable group and whole school attendance levels.

The Government has amended key legislation relating specifically to the authorisation of leave in term time which came into force on 1st September 2013. This decision has been made to encourage schools to take a firmer stance on unnecessary absence and to dispel the myth held by many parents that there is an entitlement to time off school for holidays in term time.


As of 1st September 2013 Headteachers cannot authorise any leave of absence during term time and any such holidays will be classified as unauthorised absences on the child’s record, potentially incurring a fine of £120 per parent per child. The only absences which can be authorised (other than illness or medical appointments) will be “in exceptional circumstances” and it is expected that these will be of a short duration and very rare occurrences, (such as a family wedding or bereavement) possibly only occurring once or twice in a child’s 7 year primary school life.


We hope all parents will acknowledge and understand the limitations placed on schools in granting any leave in term time. Therefore, we need parents to support the school in our efforts to reduce unnecessary absence and thus minimise the impact on the education of our pupils.
